The repo of tools made by indie hackers

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Boost your productivity by staying motivated and focused in a fun way!

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Quickly extract tags from any YouTube video on your Android

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Turn any online article into bite-sized audio summary

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softr logo


Build software without devs. Blazingly fast.

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Pineapple Builder logo

Pineapple Builder

Simple AI Website Builder for busy Business Owners.

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Untitled UI logo

Untitled UI

The largest UI kit and design system for Figma in the world.

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Untitled UI logo

Untitled UI Icons

A clean, consistent, and neutral icon library.

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Himalayas logo


Find a remote job you love.

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Rolade logo


Connect with No-Code talents and Clients around the world

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AI Shoot logo

AI Shoot

One click product photo shoots made with ❤️ and AI

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madepublic logo


The free build-in-public platform for indiehackers

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Icy Owl logo

Icy Owl

Find your first users with Twitter DMs

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Howuku logo


The everything website analytics.

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Product Cell

Product Cell

Life calendar of Product Hunt

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